3M™ 3762Q Jet Melt Adhesive Sticks Expand

3M™ 3762LMQ Low Melt Adhesive Quadrack Sticks (5Kg)

3M 3M


3M™ 3762 LM Q Low Melt Adhesive Quadrack Sticks

  • Scotch-Weld Adhesive 3762LMQ is a hot melt adhesive with excellent "hot tack" properties.
  • Aplied at only 129°C which bonds heat sensitive substrates
  • Bonds expanded polystyrene.
  • Apply using  3M Quadrack LT Dispenser
  • Approx 180 sticks per box
Units per 1 box (5kilo)

Please refer to product data sheet for further information

More details

3M™ Hot Melt Adhesives are 100% solids, thermoplastic resins that become fluid when heated and quickly wet the bonding surface. They cool, harden and reach bond strentgh in seconds, keeping production flowing by eliminating clamps, fixturing and drying, saving time energy and space.    

3M™ 3762LMQ is a Low melt adhesive, excellent for sealing cardboard boxes due to its quick grab "hot tack" property. This low melt adhesive is applied at only 129°C which bonds heat sensitive substrates such as expanded polystyrene.

Open time approx. 25 seconds.